Submission Guidelines
All work must be submitted online, unless given specific written authorization by an authorized Kingdom Rule representative to submit in another digital format (i.e. CD, DVD, Floppy Disc). Online Submissions are submitted by email to with larger files (any previously used cover design over 10 Mb) at the Kingdom Rule
web site in an automated manner. The author must email or upload:
- All the required information requested during the online submission process.
- A copy of the WORK in an approved electronic format (Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Adobe PDF, Rich Text) listed as acceptable on the PUBLISHER’S Web site.
- All graphics (if AUTHOR chooses to provide) in an electronic format listed as acceptable on the PUBLISHER’S Web site.
We strongly recommend reading the about us page dealing with the types of books and manuscripts we publish, and then contacting us to speak with a represntative before sending your manuscript.